To stay valid in today’s market, your organization needs to invest in digitalization (or business digital transformation), develop digital talents and become an agile organization that can adapt with the rapid market changes.
Addressing these priorities require introducing new organization characteristics and behaviors like faster decision making, up front planning is replaced by iterative or small scale experimentations, continuous learning, and collaborative teams instead of structured teams. If your organization is just established, you may already have some of these characteristics in place. However, most of organizations will require to go through a culture change to instill these behaviors.
Where to start? the first step is to align the organization leadership team and create a shared aspiration to transform the company. The leadership team will require to adjust the organization structure to simplify reporting and decision making, equip the organization with the right technology that supports agile ways of working, re-focus organization processes into the value creating activities & support collaboration and retain the best talent. BUT, before taking these steps, a massive awareness campaign must take place to develop a shared understanding for the need of this transformation change and the support required from each individual.
Is it a matter of email to be sent by the CEO? It is far beyond that. You need a specialized change management team or change management consultants to analyze your organization stakeholders’ groups then develop a targeted communication as well as establishing a two ways channel between the leadership team and rest of the organization. This is going to reduce the organization resistance and also support the buy-in for the essential changes in organization structure, technology, processes and people. Change management team will help you to develop a set of KPIs to monitor the resistance as well as the adoption to the new behaviors.
At Transformation Pioneers, with our advance Change Management Methodology (ASPIRE), tools, and expertise, we are your trusted partner to turn this aspiration into reality.
Write your requirements to info@tpioneers.com and let our experts assist you with a free proposal.